API Testing Services | API Testing Company

Best & fastest way validate business logic effectively

Home API Testing Services | API Testing Company
What We Do

API Testing

Ticking Minds has deep expertise of delivering 5+ API testing engagements for large digital transformation initiatives.


Documentation Review, API Specification Analysis, Data Flow Analysis


Test Scenario & Data Design, Request & Response Structure Design


Test Execution, Validation and Assertion, Error Handling Execution


Early Issue Detection, Improved Reliability, Better Interoperability

Our Process

API Validation Framework

Ticking Minds leverage an API validation framework that approaches API testing as both (a) standalone single-API testing and (b) orchestrated multi-API testing. This framework helps in creating input test data sets based on a Linear Expansion.

Key factors for API testing in successful digital transformation initiatives are


Strategy to automate test APIs both at isolated level as well as in orchestrated fashion simulating operational business functions.


Leveraging linear expansion model for choosing the right combination of data sets for optimal number of tests.

API Testing Expertise

0 +
Large Digital Transformation Initiatives
0 +
0 +
Collaborations (JMeter, APIs orchestration, Jenkins)
100 K+
API Managed

Industry Challenges

Digital transformation initiatives involve large amount of Microservices and APIs that need to be thoroughly validated as the core business logic operations are carried out vide it. API testing demand best practices that support rigorous and continuous testing to ensure successful outcomes from digital transformation initiatives.


Automated testing of APIs requires process in place to test the APIs at isolated level and in orchestrated way to simulate end to end business operations.


API testing requires tool selection that need to optimize the testing effort but unfortunately teams end up putting more duplicate effort than what is required.


Testing APIs to cover all data combination of API signature parameters is likely to prolong the testing life cycle.

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